Maxon Cinema 4D Studio 简称C4D,是一款Mac上强大的3D动画设计工具,由德国公司Maxon Computer开发,以高速运算和强大的渲染插件著称,破姐今天在这跟大家分享学习Maxon CINEMA 4D Studio S24.111 最稳定的破解版,已经被许多知名公司和电影使用。借助建模,雕刻,动画和渲染方面出色的新功能,新版本可以帮助用户实现更加高效的工作流程。新的场次系统功能上远超传统的渲染层系统,与Houdini引擎的整合,多样的取色器,升级的导入导出功能以及新的数据交互功能,这些都将极大地提升制作流水线的效率。创新的雕刻功能,扩展的运动追踪功能以及完全重写的样条工具都会增强在建模,雕刻和动画方面的设计流程以得到更好的结果。
革命性的场次系统省去前置时间 ; 新的拾色器将在任何你需要颜色的时候为你服务 – 甚至连你不知道你想要什么颜色的时候!Sketchup和Houdini Engine让Cinema4D成为你最理想的3D基地,让创意展翅飞翔。
Cinema4D S24中,数十个改进的新功能让建模变成一种享受。使用雕刻到姿态变形时 - 仅举其中几例,便可以加速角色动画制作 ; 侦测边缘可以轻松地雕塑硬边模型。C4D令建模变得前所未及的简单。
- 请一定要确认已打开“任何来源”、关闭系统SIP,以免出现打不开和闪退。
- 请仔细按安装包里的激活步骤文档操作,完美安装。
Maxon CINEMA 4D S24.111
*该版本支持 macOS Big Sur 系统,破解版未兼容 Apple M1 芯片的机器,可以使用 Rosetta 转译运行【点击查看解决办法】
- New UV Unwrap command for a workflow based on edge selections (Seams).
- New, comprehensive settings for the UV Editor, incl. display of UV Seams, Overlaps, Distortions, etc.
- New, automatic UV mesh unwrap and relax function: Packing.
- Separate menu in the UV Manager for packing UV Islands.
- Two new commands: UV Weld and UV Weld and Relax.
- UV Pins to permanently affix UV points.
- There are no longer separate UV Point and UV Polygon modes (instead the modes Use Point, Use Edge and Use Polygon with which both geometry and UV elements can be edited).
- New Hair shading model for the Viewport
- Improvement of Viewport display.
- New glTF export for real-time web applications
- New command for mirroring selections.
- New functions for the Viewport Renderer (previously Hardware OpenGL).
- For the Viewport Renderer (previously Hardware OpenGL) you can now define in detail which scene elements should be included for rendering.
- Go ZBrush for the exchange of information between ZBrush and Cinema 4D.
- Re-arranging and use of view filters - presets can be created and other features.
- Cineware settings are now in the Project settings (and the new Cineware material settings).
- Automatic recognition of touch-screen devices and deactivation if they malfunction.
- Re-organization of the Viewport Display.
- When importing Alembic instances you can now select the type of instances that Cinema 4D should generate.
- The FBX import can make either FBX material values available as Nodes.
- Cinema 4D can now also export materials defined via Material Nodes in FBX.
- New color settings dialog for the Texture UV Editor.
- The Viewport preferences are now all local.
- Similar Viewports can be configured together.
- Many new settings for Viewport effects (especially shadows).
- Extrude direction is ascertained automatically for the Extrude object.
- Use Edge mode: Dbouble-clicking on an edge color will select all adjacent edges.
- The Loop (and Ring) Selection tool have several new options.
- Selection conversion can now be done with tolerance.
- New command for switching between the last two tools used.
- Various minor new features for modeling.
- The Create Point command has several new settings.
- The Close Polygon Hole function has a few new settings.
- 2 new settings for the Bridge tool.
- Subdivision now also offers subdivision patterns.
- New Resolve Non-Manifold command to remove invalid geometry.
- The Edge Cut tool has new settings for creating n-gons.
- Additional options have been added to the Untriangulate command.
- The Iron tool can now preserve mesh edges.
- The Magnet and Brush tools were reworked so their settings are similar and both have been given new settings.
- Neues Kopierverhalten von Animations-Keys und -Spuren.
- Normal tags can now be created directly in the Phong tag.
- The initial state of contraints can now be recorded.
- The Substance-Engine now supports textures up to 8k in 16/32 -bit.
Maxon Cinema 4D 2021 最新破解版本已上架点击去下载
也希望大家多多支持正版 Maxon Cinema 4D 官网:https://www.maxon.net/
软件兼容性:OS X 10.12或更高版本
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