美国《时代》杂志日前评选出了 2022 年全球 100 大最具影响力的企业,比亚迪、TikTok、苹果、谷歌、微软等多家科技公司榜上有名。此次榜单分为 5 个部分,包括先锋(PIONEERS)、领导者(LEADERS)、创新者(INNOVATORS)、巨头(TITANS)、颠覆者(DISRUPTORS)。
hich businesses and corporate leaders are shaping our future? That’s the question at the heart of TIME100 Most Influential Companies, an annual list that highlights businesses making an extraordinary impact around the world. To assemble it, TIME solicits nominations across sectors including health care, entertainment, technology, and more from our global network of editors and correspondents, as well as from industry experts. Then we evaluate each on key factors, including relevance, impact, innovation, leadership, ambition, and success. The result is a diverse array of 100 businesses helping chart an essential path forward.